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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Beer is good for your health.

Beer is good for your health, isn’t it?

Weekend will come every week. It’s time for friend to meet and talk relaxing from hard work along the week. There’s a new heart-healthy beverage grabbing a stool at the bar. Beer is just as good for your heart as red wine, according to an analysis of 18 studies on alcohol consumption.

“After dissecting the effects of alcohol in wine and beer, the two beverages appeared to be quite comparable,” explains Giovanni de Gaetano, M.D., Ph.D., and director of Laboratory di Ricerca where the study was conducted.

"The researchers found that if you drink moderately, a little more than a pint of beer or up to two glasses of wine a day, you’re 30 percent less likely than nondrinkers to suffer from cardiovascular events like strokes, heart attacks and heart disease."

We have to give a credit  to antioxidants inside beer called polyphenols and other non-alcoholic substances. And while wine and beer have different genetics, and different polyphenols, their similarity is the alcohol, ethanol, which researchers think could be the main player, according to a press release on the study. Beer also contain water, which is the main matter, may help release other toxic substances and protect the dehydration.

There’s no room for the competition here, though. The research shows that overdrinking, four or more glasses of wine or beer, brings you out of that protective cardiovascular window and puts your heart at risk.

So raise a glass of the healthiest to beer. Cheers!

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