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Friday, May 3, 2013

Want to Boost Your Energy Burn?

How can you boost your energy burn?

Sure! You can boost your calorie burn with several simple steps.

If you would like to lose weight fast, join the club wouldn't be great idea. You could just turn a knob and rev up your metabolism, your calorie burn, just like that? Well... we all hear about diet and exercise strategies that supposedly do just that. But do they work? Yes and no. Read on for the skinny on strategies to outsmart your metabolism.

1.  You can boost your burn by eating spicing things up, like chili. 

Studies suggest that capsaicin, an antioxidant in chili peppers, increases the body’s metabolic rate, slightly.

Researchers have recommended it? Definitely! While the metabolic boost you get by added chilies to your diet isn’t likely to melt away pounds, some research also suggests that capsaicin may stimulate brain chemicals in a way that helps you feel satisfied. And when you make your foods delicious with spices, instead of huge amounts of butter or cream, you save calories.

2.  You can boost your burn by eating more often.

By having many mini meals instead of fewer, larger ones, you can shift your metabolism into a higher gear more often and burn more calories. Our metabolisms rev up slightly each time we eat, as our bodies process what we’ve consumed. RECOMMEND it? Sure, if it helps keep your hunger in check so that you don’t overeat when you finally sit down to a meal. But keep in mind the calorie difference is so small it doesn’t add up to a hill of beans.

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