Green Coffee Bean
Most of my friends have been asking me for months “What is exactly green coffee beans?” So this week I would like to answer their questions clearly. The answer is so simple. Green coffee bean actually are raw coffee beans that have not been roasted yet. The main reason is to keep chlorogenic acid due to the roasting process of coffee beans reduces amounts of this chemical compound. Therefore, green coffee beans still have a higher level of chlorogenic acid compared to regular, roasted coffee beans. Modest research shows that chlorogenic acid in green coffee bean has health benefits for reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes, heart disease, weight loss, and others.
In 2012, Dr Oz had mention that green coffee bean can help you to burn fat fast. So after that green coffee bean became popular for weight loss. In addition, he also mentioned that no workout or diet is needed.
How does it work?
The active chemical chlorogenic acid in green coffee beans inhibits the blood sugar level. This may help reduce an excess sugar and boost the body metabolism too. Read more at